People’s Opinions. Zimbabwean Dollar 2.0 – Samotivation Podcast Episode 7

We all know what people’s opinions are, but what the heck is a Zimbabwean Dollar? Let me explain.

The Zimbabwean Dollar is a currency used in Zimbabwe (Mind-blowing, I know!) up until 2009, when hyperinflation caused the currency to lose value so much, that it reached denominations of up to $100 trillion (that’s 100 with 12 zeros! I just learned that!) banknotes. At the time that same $100 trillion banknote was worth just USD 0.40, which made the Zimbabwean dollar one of the lowest valued currencies in the world, until it was eventually abandoned completely. At some point, Zimbabwe’s central bank could not even afford the paper on which to print these worthless trillion-dollar notes!

Now what is the connection between this valueless currency and people’s opinions? Well.. in many cases people’s opinions are just like the Zimbabwean dollar. There is so much of them, yet most of them are not worth much. And just like some currencies are worth more than other currencies, some opinions are worth more than other opinions.

It’s also a term that I’ve adopted to describe people, places and things that are average in nature, baseless and available everywhere (i.e. nothing extraordinary), in other words there are so much of them that they hold no value, significance or importance in my life.

Picture a cliche with two legs that can walk. Sometimes that cliche can take a human form or the form of an malicious opinion or judgement that is thrown at you out of envy and a desperate cry for help and attention.

These days, it seems like EVERYONE has an opinion on EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Every person is an expert on everything and anything (or claims to be so). In the age of social media, the human ego has been magnified to unimaginable proportions. Everyone thinks their opinion is valid and important (including myself ahahah). We have so much information available at our fingertips, we are bombarded with it everywhere from every angle, advertising, social media, family, friends, enemies, that random dude that I keep on seeing in the gym who always has to comment on my squat stance, and everybody else. Everybody claims to be an expert and sometimes it is so difficult to sift through all this junk information and find the information that is true and of value to us, the information that will make our goals possible.

Jesus said that the truth will set you free (not an exact quote from the Bible, so don’t quote me on it) and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentence even outside of the realm of religions and the divine. You don’t have to delve deep into any religion to understand the truth of that statement. So what isn’t the truth (what is the opposite of truth? Falsehood? OK. Falsehood.).

Falsehood and false information will enslave you and take your liberty away. False information about life, success, health, relationships and false information about you (gossip behind your back and unwanted opinions etc.) will make you a slave to society, silly social constructs and understandings of life and other people’s drama, BS and self-imposed limitations, that they are eagerly trying to impose on you. In other words, the world has a number of Zimbabwean Dollar printers who give you the wrong information and when you reach out your hand to take dat cash money (or opinion), you become a slave to it and other people’s BS.

Zimbabwean Dollar printers?! Who are they? Haters, doubters, naysayers (which sometimes includes the people who love you the most), self-proclaimed and self-appointed experts. Let’s take a recent example.

I learned that I “have an attitude problem” and that I “think I am better than everybody else”. What’s funny about comments like these is that they usually come from behind your back. It very likely that they came from a self-proclaimed and self-appointed Sami Wehbe expert and I have met many of those. I am sure you have too. Enemies, friends, family, employers, sometimes even random people who have no significance whatsoever in your life. Sound familiar? Self-proclaimed arm-chair experts who in your entire X years of existence made a judgement about you, your capabilities and your whole life and what’s possible for you based on the the meager amount of time they have known you.

Do you want to see these people in action? I dare you to set yourself targets higher than those of the people around you and watch what happens. Work harder than everyone around you and watch what happens! You will shine so brightly that you leave the herd of Zimbabwean Dollar printers in the shadow, in the dark. Then that herd starts throwing labels at you, because that is the only thing that they can do from in the sad, dark, depressing and isolated place that they are in.

The bigger the things you do are, the more judgement and labels people throw at you. Work harder than everyone around you, set your goals higher than the people around you and suddenly you “have an attitude problem” and “think you are better than everybody else”. Ask me. This is something that I learned about myself from the self-proclaimed and self-appointed Sami Wehbe experts. Who are these people? I don’t know their names but I know exactly who they are. It starts with a big L. Can you guess the word? (LOSERS!) Lovely people, who are dissatisfied with themselves and the lives that they lead. They are people who have given up on themselves, their ambitions and the dreams that they had growing up. They are complacent people who feel threatened by those younger than them, by those with higher energy than them, by those who remind them of all the short-comings in their character and their lives. They feel threatened that someone with energy, drive and ambition much higher than they can possibly fit into their thick heads will one day take their spot, their throne, their position. If you are really all that, how can it be that you feel so easily threatened by someone with an attitude problem and an ego problem? The better question to ask is, who is the one with the ego problem in this situation? Is it the one trying to improve their life, their position, themselves? Or is it the person who feels threatened by the person with the “attitude problem”?

The quickest way to see if someone’s opinion holds any value for you is to ask yourself the question, ‘What is the intention behind this statement?’. ‘What is this person trying to do with this statement?’ ‘Are they genuinely interested in me doing well in my life or improving what I am doing or are they saying this out of envy, maliciousness, jealousy, a wish to see me fail etc.?’ If it is indeed coming out of malevolence, then you know what to do with that opinion!
Don’t take it. Don’t trade your time, efforts, thoughts for that worthless piece of **** (I mean currency!). Throw that opinion right in the trash, where it belongs (or create a podcast episode out of it, like I did!).

However, what if the opinion/criticism is coming from a place of love? The person who made that comment or has that opinion genuinely wants you to do well in your life? Well in that case, put your ego aside and analyze things objectively. Could it be that this person has a point and I should listen to what they have to say? In this case, the opinion is actually valuable (and definitely not a Zimbabwean Dollar!). Ca-ching!

Listen to this podcast episode to learn more!

Much love and respect to you all! Thank you for reading!


Analysis leads to Paralysis! – Samotivation Podcast Episode 6

How many times have you come up with the perfect plan to do something and then end up doing nothing at all because you feel paralyzed?

I have done this many times. *Sam Smith in the background* And I am sure that I am not the onlyyy oneeee! Okay, bad joke. Nevermind, moving on.

Let’s take an example. You want to lose 5 kgs, so you decide to create a plan to follow:

  1. You hit up Uncle Google (that’s what we call Google in Bulgaria hahaha). Search: “Weight loss plans” and you get millions of hits with all types of workouts (Full body workouts/Aerobic/HIT/ Cross-training) and countless types of nutrition plans (Keto, Paleo, Vegan). It confuses the F out of you! So you spend time trying to figure out which plan is the best and which diet to choose. Research. Research. Research. You ask friends and family for their opinion. You do research on which diet to go with. Just thinking about this process makes me dizzy!

2. After countless hours of trying to figure out which workout to choose, you finally decide to go with a full body workout (because that’s what 50 Cent recommends in his book Formula 50. I tried it. Didn’t like it tbh) and you pick a vegan diet (NO CHICKEN!? How will I ever survive without chicken!?)

3. And now you try to get yourself motivated. So what do you do now? I’ll tell you what to do, Comrade! Go back to Uncle Google and Google images of models and athletes with 6 packs. And with the click of a button you have access to billions of photos of steroid-infused, plastic surgeried (gotta add that one to the dictionary 😀 ), photoshopped and airbrushed ‘beautiful people’, who you aspire to be and have the same body as. For bonus points, make one of these people your desktop wallpaper!

4. Now it’s time to find a gym. And again we go back to Google. You check the location, membership costs, instructors, equipment you need. This one is cheaper than that one, but that one has better equipment and this one is closer to my house and that one is closer to McDonalds and Burger King. That’s the one I want! Done!

5. You pick the gym. Now it’s time to get gym clothes. “Which mall should I go to?” – you ask yourself. “Which shop, should I go to?”. “Gym shorts or pants?” “Nike or Adidas?” (Answer. Adidas. Because a true Slav only wears Adidas. Adidas Slav ryeprezyent.)

6. Now it’s time to go to the gym! YESSS. You made it! Give yourself a pat on the back! And now you are thinking: “But I feel so demotivated and overwhlemed! I also lost the energy and enthusiasm that I had before making this plan. I’ll just wait for myself to feel motivated again. I’m sure I’ll feel ready tomorrow. Yeah that’s right, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

7. Tomorrow swings by.. yet you don’t swing by the gym! You are too busy waiting for the perfect moment, where the conditions are perfect and your perfect self feels ready and motivated enough.

8. Many tomorrow swing by. And guess what? Your goal of losing 5kgs also swings by and you gain 5 more kgs! You don’t feel ready so you delude yourself into believing that maybe your plan is not complete so you spend even more time perfecting the workout plan and your nutrition plan. You further waste time from taking action by seeking advice/guidance/validation from people. You forget why you wanted to lose the 5gs in the first place. And what ends up happening is….
You never go to the gym.

You planned so much and did nothing. The perfect plan became the worst plan ever because it was not followed by action. However, the plan is not the problem. The problem is that by the time your plan is complete you continue to spend time on it. All of your energy goes into making a plan, as opposed to taking action and this exhausts you.

Notice how everything is about thinking, analyzing, planning and it rarely goes beyond that. It rarely goes beyond you thinking about what you need to do as opposed to actually doing it. Basically you end up bullshiting yourself that you are taking action. You confuse your thinking for action. And thinking gets you nowhere unless it is followed by action. So think less. Do more. Just DO IT.

Time and energy wasted with no results.

It’s like when you call up a bank and go through the ridiculous process of automated phone menus and get directed to Ms. Robot for the sake of stupid corporate efficiency.


“For English Press 1. For Arabic Press 2.”
*presses 1*
“For phone banking, press 1.”
“For loans, press 2.”
“For mortgage, press 3.”
“For credit cards, press 4.”
“For bank working hours, press 5.”
“For BULLSHIT, press 6.
*presses 6*

*OMG!? Can I talk to an actual person, please!?* – you think to yourself.
“If you are a customer at this bank, press 1. If you are not a customer, then do not call this number ever again, you traitor! *Huh? Wtf!? Presses 1*
“To connect to a representative, press 1.” *Presses 1*
“To talk to a representative about the weather, press 1.”
“To talk to them about your non-existent finances or love life, press 2.”
“To talk to them about celebrity gossip and BS, press 3.”
“To finally talk about your credit card, press 4”. *presses 4*
*Call gets disconnected.*

*throws phone in anger and gets nothing done!*

Today’s episode is about why analysis leads to paralysis and why plans are only that. Be sure to check out Samotivation on Facebook and Instagram!

Guess who’s back? Samotivation’s back! Tell a friend. Samotivation Podcast Episode 5.

Sami, why didn’t you release any new episodes!?? Because I needed some time to rethink Samotivation and what direction I want to take it in (and also because I’ve been traveling all over the place and carrying a half kilo mic is not the smartest thing to do!) But now… I am back.. STRONGER and BETTER than ever!

If you want to improve the quality of your life, staying committed is key. That’s something that I have not been doing lately. This is why I have decided to release an unedited, unfiltered and unscripted 15 minute Samotivation Podcast episode EVERY. SINGLE. SUNDAY. Enjoy this new episode!

Love, Sex and Relationships: The “Secret” behind it all! – Exclusive Interview with Dating Coach and Human Dynamics Expert Harvey Hooke – Episode 4

Friendzoned. Heartbroken. Rejected. Hurt. I lived a great part of my life like that. Stuck in a series of unfulfilling relationships, where I was not given the love and understanding that I wanted. Chasing after girls. And getting nothing out of it. Basing my fragile confidence and attractiveness based on the results of those meaningless pursuits.

At the time, I did not understand the art of attracting women because I was too busy chasing them. And when I got rejected or hurt: I blamed myself. I thought that there was something wrong with me: that I was not good enough, attractive enough and that I was being “too nice” and etc. And like many guys, I was told things like “Sami, you are just too nice.”, “I only see you as a friend.” and the list goes on and on and on. Can you relate?

Experiences like high school and university only validated those ideas for me and I turned from super nice guy to super jerk. It seemed like girls always went after the guy that treated them like shit. So that’s what I began doing and results started to come in. How did that song go? “Nice guys finish last, that’s why I’ll treat you like trash.”? I look back on that and laugh, but it worked at the time for reasons I understand only know. Continue reading to find out why!

You need to treat girls badly for them to be attracted to you? Nonsense.

But at some point, it made a lot of sense. I always saw the jerk with the super kind girl. The so-called “nice” guy is not in the picture at all. The nice guy is friendzoned and rejected left and right, for what seems like his kindness. However, that is not true. He is not rejected for being kind.

Do women like being treated badly? Of course, not. No stable and sane human being would tolerate that behavior. But women like to be challenged (that’s what flirting is after all) and know that they are with a mentally strong man that is sure of himself and knows what he is doing. The jerk gives off that vibe, even though all he is doing in reality is masking his own worthlessness and self-doubt with his ego.

Broken people attract broken people. The nice girl is with the jerk, because on some level she feels that she deserves that type of abusive treatment and that she is not good enough for someone better. So these two broken people attract one another, while confused and bitter Mr. Friendzone does not have his priorities straight. He chases women and ends up scaring them away instead. He bases his self-worth on someone else and then scratches his head in frustration, when he doesn’t get the girl, while the jerk does.

What do you think this means?

A post shared by Hi! I’m Harvey Hooke 🙂 (@gethimhooked) on

I was Mr. Friendzone.. until I decided to stop chasing after women and actually work on becoming the best version of myself possible. At the time, I had gotten out of a really meaningless relationship, where my feelings were not given much consideration nor importance. So I decided to end it and lay off chasing women for a while and focus on myself instead.

I started working out more, reading more and really pushing myself out of my self-imposed comfort zone (I CLIMBED FRIGGIN’ KILIMANJARO!) That’s when things really began to change and I attracted the people and relationships that I really grew from. Low-quality people began to leave my life and I realized that I didn’t have to change my personality or who I am for other people. And if I did have to change for those people, then they were not worth my time, my body, nor my attention.

And this is exactly what I enjoyed so much about my call with Dating Expert Harvey Hooke. I thought we would talk about love, sex and relationships, but we never talked about any of that! We ended up talking about how to become the most authentic and awesome version of yourself. How to really connect with yourself and change your limited and negative perception that you have of yourself to become the most attractive person in the room. And that is the key to attracting people!

Check out Samotivation Podcast, Episode 4 with Dating Coach Harvey Hooke! I am sure that you will enjoy it (warning there are lots of F-bombs being thrown left and right. If you are not comfortable with that, give it a miss.)

How a “Liability” Became an “Asset” – Mohamed Al Balushi – SP003-Samotivation Podcast Episode 3

For the very first time, I did a LIVE Samotivation Video Podcast on Instagram with my dear friend, Mohamed Al Balushi!
Mohamed was judged and mocked for being 132kg and overweight at the gym. He failed 5 courses and was told that he was a “LIABILITY to the image of the Petroleum Engineering program” at Texas A&M University at Qatar.

All the odds were against him. Yet, he proved everyone wrong. He lost 56kg and is now at a healthy weight of 76kgs, fit, healthy, successful and ambitious and graduating in just a few weeks time with a Petroleum Engineering degree from Texas A&M University at Qatar!
Guess he wasn’t a liability after all!

Samotivation Podcast – Episode 3 – How a Liability Became an Asset. This was the first time, I made the podcast live, uncut and on video and I am proud to have done so with Mohamed Al Balushi. Congratulations and best of luck with your journey my brother!

“Your comfort zone has been lying to you your entire life!” Exclusive Interview with Karate Master Iain Abernethy – Episode 2

The land of unlimited opportunity is not a country or geographical region.

The land of unlimited opportunity does not require a visa.

The land of unlimited opportunity does not need a plane ticket.


It is much closer than you think.

The question is…

Do YOU have what it takes to get there?

Today’s guest on the show, Karate Master and Author of Mental Strength: Condition Your Mind, Achieve Your Goals, Sensei Iain Abernethy (the BIG BUFF Scottish dude with the charming smile on the top pic above!) will show you exactly where that land is and how you can get there!


The land of unlimited opportunity is RIGHT THERE in your face.  EVERY.  SINGLE. DAY.

It looks you square in the eye. Whispering tales of success, glory, happiness, health, confidence and fulfillment into your ear.

Only.. you refuse to listen. You tell the voice to keep quiet. Shut up.

Any time, it tries to take you by the hand and lead you to a better life, you cross your arms and ignore the hand it extends to you.

I don’t want to move to this land. I am perfectly fine where I am. I don’t want to get up.

Where is this land and how do I get there, you ask?

All you have to do is just take a few steps outside your comfort zone.

This week’s episode is about the comfort zone and how the life of your dreams is only a few steps outside of it.

But let me tell you something, first.

You comfort zone has been lying to you your entire life.. instilling you with fear, doubt and insecurity.

You thought politicians were thieves, huh?!

I hate to burst your bubble… but your comfort zone is the biggest liar out there.

Your comfort zone is a LIAR.  The BIGGEST LIAR OUT THERE. Bigger than any politician or thief (very often it’s the same thing 😀 )

Now, let me tell you a secret…

You can use the lies your comfort zone tells you to bring you closer to your goals…


Getting out of the comfort zone will bring you the life and confidence you desire. Guaranteed.

On today’s show, we are joined by Karate Master and author of “Mental Strength” Sensei Iain Abernethy, who will show you EXACTLY how to do that.

To live the life of your dreams, you are going to need a lot of mental strength. If you want to develop the mental strength you need to reach new heights in your life, then Sensei Iain Abernethy’s book, Mental Strength is THE book for you!

Just click the picture below to get the book!

Make sure to like Sensei Iain Abernethy on Facebook and be sure to visit his website!

New Year. New Beginnings. – Episode 1 – SP001

2018 has just begun! And if you are like everyone else, you are busy away making a long list of New Year’s resolutions for the upcoming year.

But we both know that THIS YEAR (just like every other year) you will not keep the promises you made to yourself.

THIS New Year’s, you will look at your list from last year and realize that the ONLY thing you actually succeeded in is making a long list of promises that you did not keep… to YOURSELF.

A depressing and pessimistic picture. Isn’t it?

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

No. I am not trying to ruin your festive holiday atmosphere, or the spectacular feasts and the clicking of champagne glasses. Neither am I trying to put out the flicker of hope and optimism in your eyes as you embark on a new journey this 2018.

Carry on with your feasts and champagne and optimism.

I want you to think and reflect on your own life and what direction you are taking it in.

I want to take you out of this cycle of constant writing (and rewriting) of resolutions that you tell yourself you will keep, but never do.

Isn’t it time to make a change in your life?


ONE that goes beyond the first TWO weeks of January!?

But more importantly, did you REALLY have to wait an entire 12 MONTHS to assess yourself and your progress?


DID YOU KNOW THAT only 9% of us will actually achieve their New Year’s Resolutions!? According to a study of the Statistic Brain Institute, 91% of resolutioners will fail on their resolutions this upcoming year, while ONLY 9% will be successful.

(Side note: Yes, I know Statistic Brain Institute is a very weird name, but these guys are legit!)

Anyway. Back to the point.




百分之九? (This is 9% in Chinese, apparently. Thank you, Google. It also looks like my facial expression when I read this study!)

Nueve por ciento!? (I don’t speak burrito. Feliz navidad. Prospero año y felicidad.) 😉

!تسعة في المئة؟ (In case you wanna make that Ayrab money this year.)

ДЕВЕТ ПРОЦЕНТА? (I know you can’t read Bulgarian, but by now you get the point.)

Different languages, different cultures, different countries, different food (mmmm FOOD!)…. yet they all have ONE thing in common.

They ALL come together on Dec. 31st full of hope, optimism, massive feasts and….

the realization that they are nowhere closer to their goals at end the of the year, than they were at the beginning of the year.

I used be like that.

Every year, I would make a long list of promises and resolutions that I would never keep.

Until one New Year’s eve, when I got fed up of it.

Fed up with being afraid.

Fed up with being a victim to circumstance.

Fed up with regretting missed opportunities.

Fed up with believing that I would never be fit, successful, desirable, loved or rich.

And that was the moment where everything changed.

December 22nd, 2014. I will not forget that day. (And how could I.. that is my birthday after all 😀 )

I remember being in tears most of the time.

Sitting on the coach, intently looking at the TV screen, I watched as I grew from a tiny baby into a tall young man.

I watched in amazement, as I saw the baby take its first steps…

I then watched as the baby (now a 3 year old unruly boy) ran wild in all directions across a theme park (with his mother chasing after him, of course. Good times :D)

On the screen then appeared, an awkward, insecure and self-conscious teenager during his primary school years, followed by the smiling high school valedictorian, all suited up and ready and eager to start the next phase of his life.

And now I was in my second year of university studies.

“Where on earth did all that time go?” – I thought to myself, as heavy, regretful, bitter tears began rolling down my face.

Fast-forward to New Years 2014 a few days later.

Everything happened so quickly.

19 YEARS of my life had passed by!? And what had I achieved in that time?


Absolutely nothing.

I was not satisfied with my body, my crappy relationship, my grades, my life, but mostly myself.

I was unhappy with myself.

There were so many things that I talked myself out of… even before I tried.

So many missed opportunities and so much regret over what I didn’t do.

So many should have/would have/could haves.

I realized how many opportunities I let pass me by because of fear, hesitation and insecurity.

I felt like a failure.

Through the tears, I vowed to NEVER. EVER. feel like that again.

I promised myself that next year, I would look back on the year that passed and actually be proud of it, as opposed to being regretful, sorry and sad.

Everything that scared me, I would do.

That was a promise.

A promise I still keep to myself 4 years later.

And that is where the real journey began.

May this year be the one where YOUR journey begins!

Listen to today’s VERY FIRST Samotivation Podcast episode to figure out how you TOO can take your resolutions from a SHEET OF PAPER to REALITY!

P.S: Nothing is more fitting to describe that New Year’s than the video below.
Harry Potter fans enjoy!